
2014年5月19日—IwanttouseADBinsteadofmanuallyclickingoneachappinsideofappmanager.Isthereacommandthatwillgivemethatinformation?Thanks.,HowtoreadversionandotherinformationfromAndroidandiOSappsusingJava·EasilyretrieveversioninformationfromAPK,IPA,andAPPpackages·Thecommand ...,2016年6月22日—文章浏览阅读3.7w次,点赞2次,收藏6次。adbshelldumpsyspackagecom.examle.xx_shell解析apk版本号.,2022年1月26日—1...

Retrieve a List of Application Versions

2014年5月19日 — I want to use ADB instead of manually clicking on each app inside of app manager. Is there a command that will give me that information? Thanks.

How to read version and other information from Android ...

How to read version and other information from Android and iOS apps using Java · Easily retrieve version information from APK, IPA, and APP packages · The command ...


2016年6月22日 — 文章浏览阅读3.7w次,点赞2次,收藏6次。adb shell dumpsys package com.examle.xx_shell 解析apk版本号.

adb 查看app(应用)版本信息原创

2022年1月26日 — 1. 1. 输出效果: 在这里插入图片描述. mac上. 方法一 adb shell pm dump com.example | grep version. 1. 1. 方法二 adb shell dumpsys package ...


2023年4月18日 — Get application version name using adb, Checking external app version name in android, Get Current App version From Play Store.

list all installed packages in android adb shell

For finding version info you can run adb shell dumpsys package packages which gets all package info; then you'd have to parse the output in your language of ...


Is there an easy way to get the version name of an application on an Android device using adb shell? ... package android.example; import; ...

how to check apk version using adb

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to place 3D models in the real world by setting the anchor as a specific scene instead of a regular plan…

Adb command to get versionCode from apk [duplicate]

2019年1月31日 — Android: Get versionName or versionCode of an APK from the command line You can use aapt in android's build-tools directory of whatever build ...

Get application version name using adb

2012年8月13日 — Is there an easy way to get the version name of an application on an Android device using adb shell? I found the application version number (not ...